I am a blogger!

Today is the first day I am a blogger. What is a blog? I had to look this one up! Based on the Oxford definition it is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. To date my only experience with any kind of blog started about 3 years ago when I subscribed to a blog belonging to an adorable DIY woman from Arizona named Meredith. I found her link in an article I pinned on one of my Pinterest boards for home improvement ideas. As soon as I saw her business name, The Palette Muse, I knew I would fall in love with her. Honestly, how cool is that name? Meredith does these monthly challenges where she shows off her amazing talent for revamping any room in her home for $100 or less. Brilliant! I was so excited to find her. I checked in weekly, I commented on her posts regularly and because of her blog I continually added projects to my “want to do” list. “Oh I could that, no problem” I would tell myself confidently. Meredith has a knack of simplifying it all and convincing you it can be done.

With any project I take on, whether it be starting a new diet, a new workout regimen, a new hobby or following this great blogger; my excitement and involvement only lasts about two months. Its not Meredith’s fault. You see this is my STORY. This is the story I tell myself even before a begin a new endeavor. I will only make it to 2 months. You can call this a limiting belief or a negative mindset. Either way it stops here!

Did you know our subconscious cannot tell the difference if we actually accomplished something or not? For example, if I tell my subconscious (or my thoughts include the following statements) that I am an awesome blogger who is authentic, full of creative insights, and is making a difference in many small ways, my subconscious has no idea if that is a true statement or not. It doesn’t matter. If I believe it has happened already then my subconscious aligns with the Universe to make it a reality. It’s that simple. I can’t believe I just learned of this phenomenon.

This brings me to my WHY! Why am I creating this blog? Simple answer - I need to! I need to document my journey of becoming this awesome highly talented thriving wildlife artist that wants to serve others. I want to document and share my failures and successes of starting and building my own art business. To pass down any information or tricks of the trade that would help my fellow artist. I want to create a community where everyone feels they have a meaningful part and know they are touching other people’s lives including myself. So I ask you to please join me in this journey. Be apart of this community and celebrate the high moments with me and hold my hand through the hard ones. This is Day One and I have no idea what Day Two turn out to be but I know what I am telling my subconscious it looks like.


Crafting is in my blood.